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Captains Beard Routine

Back in 2012 I got to stop trimming my beard for work, I was happy as hell to be able to just let it grow. At the time, I had just started going to competitions and I decided to go terminal. So over the next two and a half years I just let it grow. Along the way I picked up some habits and formed my own care routine for my beard. I’m not saying it will work for anyone else, just that it has worked for me so, yeah…

First thing first, I use pine tar soap every three days, (unless it just feels like it needs it more). I personally use Grandpa’s Wonder Soap because It what I like. I have tried a lot of others while writing for Title Beard, but nothing took its place for me. So that being said, I do that in the shower then after drying my beard I comb it out with a wide tooth detangling comb and a small toothed moustache comb for my moustache obviously.

In the mornings before I roll out, I use a boar’s hair brush and then my product for the day. Now you should know that my go to every day product varies based on the season, but overall my absolute favorite is Waffen Der Whisker Oil (either Tiki Beard or Ye Olde Barber Shop) it’s my jam! In the cold of winter though I use some Mod Cabin (Backwoods Balm) which is also some good shit.

I trim my split ends off when I get them, it’s my preference, I have spoken to a lot of people whole agree and a lot who don’t. It’s not ever changed my opinion so I won’t try to sway yours. The main thing is to take care of your beard, don’t over use products and don’t’ neglect it, respect it!

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