The Magic of a Mustache
There is an element of magic to a styled mustache! And I don’t mean magic like a unicorn giving birth, a double rainbow, or even a cold beer after a crappy day at work. I mean more the practical, unseen side of mustaches and magic. But we will get to that later, first some backstory.
When I first started styling my mustache, it took me forever before I thought it would be presentable. And even then, there was always something that would bother me about it. You see, I have an eye for symmetry, and while it makes me a great Photo Hunt player, I also see a lot of imperfections. I have a knack for quickly noticing when things aren’t even, or when there is something wrong or off about things. It’s a superpower or a curse. I would spend hours trying to get my mustache perfect. One side grows a lot quicker than the other, and I would always have to even them out. Or one side would have a wild hair that wouldn’t calm down. Most times, one side wanted to do one thing, while the other wanted to do something completely different. I’d end up with a curl on one side, while the other wouldn’t budge at all. It has taken me years to not be as uptight about it not being perfect, and that brings me to the next point.
The mechanics behind magic and mustaches are a lot alike. Being an amatuer magician, you learn most people don’t pay attention to the little details. Most people are so entranced with the grand spectacle of the trick, that they don’t notice when you slipped that one card from the deck, or your hand that’s supposed to be holding the coin is actually empty. There are other examples. When you are at a fireworks show and you don’t notice that three of the fireworks exploded early. You tend to not pay attention to the strings on a marionette, or the hand in a ventriloquist dummy. The spectacle distracts you from noticing the inner workings. It works that way with mustaches too. Most people are just surprised to see someone with a handlebar mustache, they are not going to notice that one side is longer than the other, or that stray hair that connects farther down than all the rest do. I’ve noticed that people don’t pay attention to the imperfections, unless it is pointed out to them. Ninety percent of the time, that is true. Like magic, the only time you get people scrutinizing it, is when you are around others who are in the field. Magicians around magic and styled staches around beard teams.
The hair follicle is a living thing and therefore will never be perfect, but don’t stress it. Most people will enjoy your mustache and never even notice any imperfections. They are awed by the trick and don’t notice your hands moving the cards. The show goes on, even through the technical glitches. Most days you will only ever get compliments on it, so let your stache grow. It’s worth it!